Low Impact Exercises You Should Be Doing After Weight Loss Surgery

There are various bariatric surgery options that one can pursue to facilitate a healthier life. In contrast to belief, weight loss surgery is not a one-time fix to shed excess body fat. Surgery is one tool in a toolbox of instruments that leads to successful weight loss results.

After weight loss surgery, a patient should institute healthy lifestyle changes to increase satisfaction with their outcomes. One of those changes is adding exercise into your daily schedule. The idea of regular exercise can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! The wonderful thing about physical activity is that you can cater to what you like and what your body can handle. You do not have to run 5 miles every day to get your blood flowing and heart rate up. Find what you enjoy, and then make exercise a part of your routine!

You might ask whether exercise is more important than dieting. And that’s a great question! The fact is that you need both to be successful. After weight loss surgery, the order in which you eat your food is essential. You will need to make sure you are taking in enough protein to sustain the rapid weight loss. Focusing on weight training after weight loss surgery will help you maintain and build your muscle mass. While you still have extra weight, you will be more prone to injuring yourself and should keep the exercise low impact and within the bounds of your abilities. There is nothing worse than being on a roll and getting sidelined for six weeks due to an avoidable injury. As you lose more weight and exercise becomes more manageable, even easy, you can start to push yourself a little more. Muscle burns significantly more calories at rest than fat does. The more muscle you have, the more calories you should burn over the day. This makes it easier to maintain that weight loss over the longer-term.

Just remember that as you start building muscle and replacing fat, you may not lose weight. In fact, you may hit a stall in weight loss. This is perfectly normal and temporary – you should not worry about it. The most important thing is that you see other success markers, including lower body fat, better body shape, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and A-1 C, and generally just feeling better and performing daily activities more efficiently. The bottom line is that diet and exercise worked hand-in-hand to make a successful postoperative lifestyle. The process may not be easy, but you can help ensure your success by taking the time to enjoy your progress, giving yourself time to succeed, and staying focused on your goals.